
Ones to watch

Sorry for the lack of updates the last couple days! I am really enjoying the sunny weather in Amsterdam. If you are Dutch or ever have been in The Netherlands you'll know what I mean... The sun rarely shows its face out here...

But there are some blogs I would like to share with you in this new section: Ones to watch. I'll select three blogs that are relatively unknown and which I believe are worth to put in your reading list.

If you believe your blog should be featured in this section, leave a comment with a link to your blog. Maybe you'll find yourself in the next 'Ones to watch'.

Lets kick-off of the first edition!

PS. You can follow my blog with Bloglovin'

1. Heritage Mode

A girl with a great sense of style.

2. Lara Rose

Mix & match: this girl is not afraid of standing out in a crowd!

3. Margo Blanche

I feel like I'm back in Paris when I visit this blog. That's the only thing I need to say, right?

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